Develop your business
The backbone of Kouvola’s business scene is formed by well-established local companies. Nevertheless, even with years (or decades) of local operations, there may be need to seek new opportunities.
At times, a veteran company is likely to need some help, too, the same as a newcomer. Sometimes an outsider view to business come handy or there is perhaps a challenging transition taking place? - In any case, we’d love to help.
We are eager to support all local companies, be they big or small, old or new. Please contact our business advisor and make an appointment!
Funding counseling
Companies may need financial advice relating to launching new operations, developing existing operations, funding investments and securing corporate acquisitions. Kinno business advisors will assist the entrepreneur in assessing the need for funding and mapping out the funding and grant options.
We support the company in making funding applications and doing the necessary paperwork. These include funding calculations, profit estimates as well as finetuning of the business plan.
Partnering up with Finnvera
To ensure the best possible outcome, Kinno collaborates closely with regional funding players and Finnvera Oyj. We compile current data on various funding instruments and set up meetings with private and public funders.
The specific funding needs of the customer company are assessed in depth in a confidential meeting with the company representatives. At the same time, the company’s current status is analyzed and the entrepreneur receives support in updating the company’s plans on funding, revenue and business operations, when needed.
Link to Finnvera site: Finnvera
Innovation counseling
Companies and private citizens can contact Kinno to get support in protecting an idea for product/service, conducting research & development or the funding of these activities. The customer will receive information about available opportunities in these fields and is forwarded to appropriate public support services. Our innovation counseling is a totally confidential, free service.
Competitive innovations are born in environments where various knowledge, needs and interests meet. Creative companies turn to innovation for competitive edge. Innovations are often rooted in wide-ranging expertise, allowing companies to boost their productivity. Ultimately, the general wellbeing of society is improved through new innovations, as well.
An innovation can be a new breakthrough product, technology or production process – but it can also be a new business model or a value chain. To define innovation too narrowly would go against the very idea of innovation.
So don’t sit around wondering, if your idea is any good or not. Just make an appointment at Kinno and we’ll figure it all out together!
Some companies are born global, while some are content with staying local. Perhaps your company has been active in the region for years – or decades – but you are curious about operations abroad.
If internationalization is a relevant topic for your company, please come down to meet our experts. There are many ways to pursue international success and we can give you some advice for the journey.
Ownership change
Are you looking to buy a company – or to sell one?
Kinno’s business advisors, along with such websites as Yrityspörssi and Firmakauppa, connect the people interested in buying or selling businesses. Acquiring an established company can be a very smart move to fast-track entrepreneurship – especially if the company has loyal customers and solid momentum going forward.
Enterprise exchange
Enterprise exchange Yrityspörssi.fi is the biggest trading place for companies online. Once you submit the information about the company you’re looking to sell at the site, you can reach up to 40,000 monthly users of the service.
Yrityspörssi is founded and partially owned by Finnish Entrepreneurs’ Association. You can post a ‘For Sale’ notification yourself or call +358 10 339 3300 and let enterprise exchange write and publish your ad.
Business Mentor for your company
Is your company at a crossroads and you don’t know what road to take? An experienced mentor can give you valuable, free-of-charge advice on how to better you business.
The business mentors will help you assess your current situation, set goals and find means to reach them. The mentors are seasoned business executives and experts of their various fields.
As an outsider, the business mentor can ask the right questions, the ones that truly matter for the future success of your company. The business mentor helps the entrepreneur to network more effectively and secure proper tools to deal with challenges.
Experience pays off
The regional office for the Kouvola business mentor network is run by Kinno. The office coordinates the activities of the mentors, serving as bridge between the entrepreneurs and the mentors. We know the local entrepreneurs and can find the right mentor in each case. The Kouvola business mentor network has almost 20 members.
Do you want a business mentor?
If you feel your company would benefit from a mentor, please fill out the form on the yrityskummit.fi webite and send it out.
The form is confidential and the information is forwarded to Kouvola region coordinator and regional business mentor. The information is used only in connection to the business mentor service and it is not released to outside parties.
Read more about business mentor activities here.
Financial aid for entrepreneurs
Financial aid for entrepreneurs consists of confidential, free-of-charge support and counseling.
It’s a domestic service which offers support for small and medium entrepreneurs/companies that are experiencing economic hardships. The service features a national hotline and online service, backed by regional services. The service counsellors are experts in improving the financial status of businesses.
Please consider contacting the service if
- your company’s profitability is in jeopardy
- paying wages is difficult and bills are piling up
- it’s difficult to meet payments on loans and interest
or if the business operations are fading and/or there’s concern over the financial viability of the company and your own wellbeing.
Our promise in enterprise counseling services
”When a customer company makes contact, the Kinno counsellor will assess the customer need without delay and offer solutions to challenges. The key principles of the service are listening to the customer, practical attitude to problem-solving, focus on the end result and supporting the customer every step of the way.”
Kinno business service team at your disposal
Antila Jukka
Business Advisor
+358 20 615 6365
+358 40 488 4365
Turunen Aleksandra
Director, invest in
+358 20 615 8140
+358 40 717 3868