Banking and invoicing information

Kouvola Innovation Oy and its subsidiaries Kouvolan Yritystilat Oy and RRT Kouvola Oy

We hope that you can send your invoices to us primarily as online invoices. Processing online invoices is faster, more reliable and cheaper for both the sender and the recipient than processing paper invoices. If you do not have the possibility to send an e-invoice from your invoicing system, you can use the free e-invoice portal, which can be found here.

Kouvola Innovation Oy

Business ID: 2221859-6

Banking info

OP Kaakkois-Suomi, Kouvola office
IBAN FI4157500120188710


Online invoicing operator: Telia Finland Oyj
Operator code: 003703575029
Online invoice address: 003722218596

Invoicing address

Kouvola Innovation Oy
PL 299

The invoice must have a payment term of at least 14 days net. The invoice must be addressed to Kouvola Innovation Oy. The e-invoicing address in the billing address identifies the recipient of the invoice, so it is important that the address information appears on the invoice.

In addition, the invoice must contain the e-mail address and/or cost center indicated by the customer and his/her name, based on which the invoice is directed to the correct unit for processing. Invoices with incomplete information will be returned to the sender.

Paper invoice address

Kouvola Innovation Oy
PL 299

Please note! The invoicing address does not process any other forms of Kinno mail. The invoice must state the service unit, name of the person commissioning the work and delivery address.


Kouvolan Yritystilat Oy

Business ID: 2413977-9

Banking info

OP Kymenlaakso, Kouvola office
IBAN FI40 5750 0120 217246


Online invoicing operator: Telia Finland Oyj
Operator ID: 003703575029
Online invoice address: 003724139779

Invoicing address

Kouvolan Yritystilat Oy
PL 299

The invoice must have a payment term of at least 14 days net. The invoice must be addressed to Kouvolan Yritystilat Oy. The e-invoicing address in the billing address identifies the recipient of the invoice, so it is important that the address information appears on the invoice.

In addition, the invoice must contain the e-mail address and/or cost center indicated by the customer and his/her name, based on which the invoice is directed to the correct unit for processing. Invoices with incomplete information will be returned to the sender.

Paper invoicing address

Kouvolan Yritystilat Oy
PL 299

Please note! The invoicing address does not process any other forms of Kinno mail.

RRT Kouvola Oy

Business ID: 3193538-6


Online invoicing address: 003731935386
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Operator ID when using bank platform: DABAFIHH*
*Use this operator ID if your online invoicing software doesn’t facilitate sending invoices directly to Maventa operator ID.

Sending invoices to scanning service via e-mail
We hope that you send only invoices to this address. Invoices are to be sent in PDF format and any invoice attachments should be in the same file with the invoice.

E-mail invoice address:

You can send multiple invoices with one e-mail, as long as each invoice is its own attached file. All files must have a different name. Maximum size for one e-mail is 5mb. PDF files must be genuine PDF documents (PDF version 1.3 or newer). PDF files can’t be locked or password protected. The printable document size should not exceed 210 x 297 mm. The characters used in naming attachments should be regular letters and numbers a-z, A-Z, 0-9. Please do not use special characters in naming them.

Sending invoices to scanning service via mail

Address information should be included both in the invoice and the envelope, so that the invoice can directed to the right person reliably and without delay:

RRT Kouvola Oy
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan

Please send only invoicing materials to the scanning address. This mail is added automatically to our ledger and no other materials (e.g. receipts, business gifts, credit cards, event tickets) will reach their recipient this way.
Please use black letters on white paper; this provides the most solid result for data recognition.
Please do not use staples in the invoices.

Hanna Korjala

Korjala Hanna

Chief Financial Officer
+358 20 615 5887

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