The project Bringing Together specific objective is to bringing together of the innovative, research, training and business capacity, resources, best practices and experiences for strengthening of investment and business processes in the border areas of Russia and Finland.
Project Bringing Together was initiated by the Finnish-Russian consortium of partners: Saint-Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Russia, St. Petersburg), Eurofacts Oy (Finland, Helsinki), Karelian Consulting ltd. (Finland, Savonlinna), Kouvola Innovation Oy (Finland, Kouvola) and the Laboratory of Institutional Project Engineering Ltd. (Russia, St. Petersburg).
The main project Bringing Together outputs to be produced include:
- Common digitalized investment database: a pool of consolidated, structured and digitally processed information relevant to the project objectives and target groups;
- Common digital space for entrepreneurial and investment activities offered by an open on-line pilot investment platform in Finnish, Russian and English providing consolidated relevant information, work services and interaction opportunities for the project target groups;
- Innovative solutions to design and develop the pilot on-line investment platform and services that can be used to adjust the pilot platform or create the similar ones;
- Modern competitive business know-how and skills: elaborated and tested user methods for the investment platform innovators, business, expert and support community;
- Active collaborative investment community: practical model and network of trained Finnish-Russian community – the investment platform users and contributors.
- Free-access applications for gadgets based on the investment platform services that can be used separately in investment, entrepreneurial or business support activities (digital investment offer or business project preparation and evaluation, project risk or required financing assessment, training for digital platforms usage skills, etc.).
- The target groups and beneficiaries of the project in St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Leningrad Region and South-East Finland will include SMEs, start-ups, entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, business accelerators and support institutions, business experts and mentors, as well as relevant municipal, regional and national authorities.
The Project implementation period: March 01, 2020- February 28, 2022.
The funding of the Project Bringing Together is provided from the South-East Finland-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020.
A link to the project´s web page.
More information
Turunen Aleksandra
Director, invest in
+358 20 615 8140
+358 40 717 3868